Monday, October 18, 2010

How do you like me as a Blonde?

I had lots of compliments on my blonde do. My kids in my class were very scared to come into class when they saw me. They were fine once they realized it was the same Mrs. Lee just new hair! It was spirit week at school for Homecoming and it was celebrity day. I dressed up as Hannah Montana, with the wig, a microphone headset and a cool sparkly shirt that I picked up. It was fun. I borrowed the wig from a friend who is going through cancer treatment so it's a real hair wig. Carl didn't care very much for it - he prefers me as a brunette! It was fun to see the reaction of people. What do you think? Comments please!
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1 comment:

  1. WOW! That looks awesome! Yes, it's different than your normal brunette color but it looks great. Maybe if your real hair ever goes gray (in 10 or 15 years), you could consider going blond!
