Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Our Weekend in Tucson!

Carl and I left on Friday afternoon to drive down to Tucson for the weekend. Ben arranged our hotel and we stayed in the Starr Pass Resort.  What a beautiful place!  We were in the foothills of a beautiful mountain area near a swanky golf course and development.  We went to dinner at the Catalina Barbeque Restuarant.  Yummy!  The University of Utah basketball players were there for a  game or something.  They were all so tall!  Saturday we went to the Arizona Bluegrass Festival.  111rd Tyme Out, one of Carl's particular favorite bands, was there.  They performed twice that day.This is us with the band members.  Two of them are from North Carolina so we had a wonderful visit after the show.  It was a beautiful day - breezy and sunny and not too hot.  We were at an outdoor amphitheatre at the Casino.  It was a perfect place for a concert.  We sat pretty close and enjoyed the performances.   Carl attended a mandolin workshop while I attended an autoharp workshop.  I may join a club in Phoenix.  It was fun! 

1 comment:

  1. Mandolin? Autoharp? Is there new band in the Lee family future? Sounds like you all had a wonderful time!
