Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Craft Room!

Ben and Shanae have moved into their new house and we are now able to fix our craft room. Woohoo! It's a nice long room and there is plenty of space for Carl and I both to have some room to work on our individual projects. I'm sure there are still a few other things to put in there but we have a start. I'm excited to get going on some sewing and other projects. I would love to have it all matchy-matchy with shades of purple, lavender and grays but that will come. At least I have a nice work table to spread out whatever project I want to work on - Genealogy, sewing, scrapbooking, stamping or whatever! I'm loving the prospects!
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1 comment:

  1. Hooray!! I can't wait to see what wonderful things come out of this room!
