Sunday, January 17, 2010

He's a Finisher! Woohoo!

Doug ran in the PFChang 1/2 Marathon today! Kim and I were his cheering crew! I can't tell you how exciting it was for me to watch for him to come in! I had tears thinking about where he has come from in the last year! He is in such good shape and he was feeling good crossing the finish line! He wants to run a marathon now! Go Doug Go! We are so proud of your accomplishment!
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  1. That's 13 miles, right? Totally amazing, Doug! Good for you!

  2. Yay Doug! I'm training for my 1/2 marathon right now, you feel free to come up here and train with me anytime! My trainer would love it.

  3. Hooray Doug! I don't think I've run 13 miles ever, in my whole life combined. I dont like to run...walk, yes. Run, no.
