Sunday, May 30, 2010

Peace, Love & Virtue! Girl's Camp.

This is Jeanne and I with others at the Lodge. I'm in the pink jacket. It was nice to share this experience with her. She was there with the Stake YW Presidency teaching the spiritual class. She did an awesome job. Our theme this year was Peace, Love and Virtue. There was a lot of tie dye and peace symbols everywhere. The peace sign also stood for Virtue "V". Since this stuff is still very popular there were lots of cool tee shirts and bandanas. A very fun experience for me. One ward however, got the stomach flu that went through their whole cabin and their experience wasn't that fun. Some of the stake staff even got it. I managed to get home unscathed. Whew!
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1 comment:

  1. What a great theme! But why is everyone wearing jackets? Was it cold there?
