Monday, May 10, 2010

School's Almost Out! Hurray!!

Well, I am on the count down.  School will be out in 8 days!  Yippee!  I am busy like crazy getting ready for our End of the Year Program on this Friday.  My little darlings will be performing for their parents and we will have a little reception back in our room.  It is a lot to get these little ones ready to sing and do what I expect for the program but somehow they always do terrific when the day actually comes.  Tomorrow we have a swim party with them at the High School pool.  That's always a big hit.  I am excited to be done with this year but a little concerned for next year.  My director that I have worked with for 15 years is retiring and that means a new leader for next year.  I am looking forward to the challenge and hope things will just keep going on smoothly with our unique program.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, end of the year is always so fun and so hard too! I am sure you will have just as much fun next year too.
