Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Side view!

I really stepped out of my comfort zone this time. If you can't tell they are kind of a copper color with marbled plastic arms. I got rectangular frames this time. I have almost always gotten the ovalish looking ones. I'm styling! Don't you think?
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New Specs!

I got new spectacles. I wanted to get blingy ones but found these that I really liked. Here's the front view. Check out the side view.
What do you think?
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Sunday, August 22, 2010


Well, this first full week with my new class has been quite the week!  I had one crier who settled in nicely after just two days.  I have one who continually cries for mom or dad off and on all day but it is finally getting better.  However, after I explain what Friday was like, next week may be different!

On Friday, we had a real emergency evacuation!  I won't go into all the details but we had a bomb scare and were evacuated to our church across the street.  I was glad to be a Mormon and have the church available so close. A member of our ward works for the district and had access to a church key.  He came and let about  500 or so people into the building out of the 108 temps!   I was glad that the members that were close came to bring needed water.  I was glad that Carl was so close and available to come and be with me and help out others in the building during our long (10 am to 2 pm) stay at the building.  I was able to get my preschoolers safely in the Nursery Room, with a small potty, toys and water available.  I got into a cupboard and got cups and pitchers from the kitchen to have water for my class.  Carl had library keys and I got a TV with video and a parent brought us a Disney Movie.  A parent was able to get crackers to us and Carl was able to stop at McDonald's and bring Chicken Nuggets and hamburgers for my class.  As I said it was a scare and no one was injured.  There were a few that suffered heat issues because the other area of evacuation was outside longer than we were.

I am so grateful and feel truly blessed to be a Mormon and know that I have people who will help in a crisis.  I am so grateful that Carl was able to help me and my class specifically.  I am so grateful that no one was hurt seriously and that our school is safe.  I definitely have many blessings in my life!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Carl's New Toy!

Carl got a new toy! A Pontoon boat for fishing the lakes. He's had it for a while but it had to be put together and he's just not much for that sort of stuff. He finally decided to just get it done so Saturday he kept pushing until it was finished. Of course, he had to try it out! Our pool was the perfect wet spot! It's almost as big as our pool!
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Friday, August 6, 2010

Stressed about Change!

Change is good - Right?  Well, I think I am in for a wild ride this year.  I have been working in the COOP for 15 years and have had a wonderful experience for the majority of the time. I have been privileged to have great coworkers who really were easy to get along with and made my job so enjoyable.  This year is full of changes.  I have a new director and part time person to work with.  They seem nice but there are a lot of challenging changes that are going along with this new year.  I am feeling less excited about the new year and more anxious than I have ever felt about my job.  I have always looked forward to the little ones starting school and feel privileged to be able teach them and watch them grow.  I'm worried and nervous more than ever before.  Please keep me in your prayers. 

Carl and I have had a wonderful summer and I am feeling today like I would really like to take off again!