Wednesday, June 1, 2011

37th Wedding Anniversary!

Carl and I are celebrating 37 years of wedded bliss today! Well, mostly bliss:) We have had a lot of wonderful years together and some brief times of not so much bliss. We are still happily married though and especially enjoying this particular time of life! We are not retired but really enjoy the times we get to spend together which is not always a lot these days (we both have busy callings in church that take us away from each other many nights each week). We are still having fun together and almost know what each is thinking at any one time! We still don't always share the same interests but do appreciate the other's time spent doing what we like to do. Carl loves to hike the Grand Canyon and I'm not especially interested in doing that but we do enjoy hiking the smaller mountains around here together. He still loves to fish and I enjoy going with him though I sit and read or relax while he is fishing - at least we are together. We both enjoy Blue Grass Music and going to the movies. We especially love being with our kids and grandkids! That is the joy in our lives these days! WooHoo! We look forward to many more years together in wedded bliss!
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  1. Congratulations on 37 years of hard, hard work! You two are my heros!
